Haunted House Setting Description:

The door was left ajar. The moonlight shone through the windows casting a reflection on the opposite wall. The walls, which were disintegrating, carried a mist- covered mirror. It smelt of dust mixed with old age. The chandelier twinkled from the ceiling making the diamonds clang against each other. The red, silk curtains shook as if they were laughing.

In the dining room, untouched silverware lay on the table. The chair suddenly jolted back as if there was somebody moving. The floor was eroded and layered in thick dirt. In the kitchen, weeds and dandelions grew through the rat- eaten floorboards turning it into a jungle. An old-fashioned telephone sat on the table; the numbers were calling themselves. The cold, tiled floor gathered dust, spiders and bat droppings like a rubbish bin. Cockroaches, rats, mice and beetles sat in jars on the many shelves that were hanging off the walls. In the next room, the wallpaper curled at the corners and springs popped out the dirty, white sofas. Shattered glass lay on the floor but they slowly moved by themselves. Bloodcurdling whispers of lost souls echoed through the rooms.

Up the creaking stairs, the walls rattled as the tree branches scratched on what was left of the fog-covered windows. Unnerving skeletons lay hopelessly on the moth-eaten chairs. Their bones were tinted yellow as they began to rot away. As lightning struck the top of the house, the house wobbled rapidly. A shadow flickered in the distance. An abandoned desk gathered scrunched papers, spilt ink pots and broken quills. The bed had collapsed causing the draw set to half open making the objects inside pour out like bubbling lava. A silhouette of an owl stood in the bedroom window.

In the depths of the basement, damp cardboard boxes and ripped papers gathered on the oak floor. Books were stacked in uneven piles: they were wobbling to their death. A dusty, ancient trunk carried letters and journals- they were ripped but could still be read. The magnolia paint crumbled off the delicate walls creating a pile of rubble. A cobweb flew off the lamp. Dust sheets and blankets barely covered the coffin they were attempting to hide. The air was thick: it was easy to choke. A slight sweep of wind blew through the ceiling where sleeping bats twitched with fear. An old-fashioned dress lay innocently over the top of a vintage changing screen

Like a cemetery, the garden had headstones dug deeply into the ground. A dead, leafless tree was home to a swing that moved without wind to push it. The grass turned yellow, the sunlight didn't want to shine on it

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